Showing 2 Result(s)

Turmeric – Is it Really a Miracle Spice?

Turmeric is touted as a superfood and miracle spice. It’s delicious, and one of its “active ingredients” curcumin has been studied like crazy. It has antioxidant properties, anti-inflammatory properties, and many other great health benefits. In this week’s post I go over: The difference between turmeric and curcumin. Turmeric’s amazing health benefits. How to get …

the gut brain connection

The Gut-Brain Connection: How To Feed Your Brain

You know that you can have gastrointestinal symptoms when you’re stressed or nervous. We’ve all experienced that.  But, you may have also heard about the “gut-brain connection.” That your gastrointestinal system, lovingly called the “gut,” not only talks to your brain (yes, talks “to” your brain) but is kind of its own brain (a “second …