Prepareing for mold detox

Detox from Mold Mycotoxins Part 3: How to Prepare for Your Mold Detox Journey

Once you determine that mold illness is the cause of your aches, pains, breathing difficulties, brain fog, weakness and other symptoms, it’s time to prepare for your mold detox journey. You didn’t acquire this overnight and you won’t heal overnight. Are you ready to process, prepare and make adjustments so you can at least take the shorter route?

Before going on a big trip, you plan and prepare to avoid problems while traveling, right? Your journey to wellness requires planning and preparation, too. Though planning a trip to a new destination can feel overwhelming with too many choices, your path to wellness can now be clear and smooth.

Get Into a Healthy Space

Your mental space

First, it’s critical to understand that again, your mold detox is a journey, not a shortcut and not a week-long trip. It took me years to get well. With all the information available now, it doesn’t have to take you as long, but it could take a few years. The Mold Illness Recovery Blueprint program I’ve put together aims to help you recover from mold within a year for most cases.

But if you want to detox from mold, you need to be prepared and willing to make some drastic changes and commitments. Your mold detox journey will cost money, time and effort, but this will not compare to the quality and years of life you can gain back once you are well!

Are you ready?

Your living space

Your first step to overcoming mold illness is to get out of the mold exposure, which often isn’t visible to the untrained eye, unfortunately. Removing yourself from the source of mold could involve working from home, staying elsewhere until your home is properly remediated or even leaving your belongings behind and starting fresh in a new home like I’ve done. This can feel extreme or unreasonable, but most success stories have involved getting out of the mold first. For more support with this idea, visit my Mold Illness Recovery Group on Facebook.

Bring Healthiness into Your “House”

Meanwhile, in your bodily “house”, your first step is to make sure all of your detox pathways are working properly and that your body has the energy to make it happen. This is the foundation of your healing journey – so you can avoid detoxification side effects and really heal.

So, let’s start with the basics – food.

Foods considerations for mold detox

1 Figure out if any foods are directly harmful to you.

People with mold illness experience a wide range of reactivity to foods, from severe anaphylactic reactions to minor symptoms such as occasional constipation, stomach upset or skin issues. For those with mold illness, gluten and dairy sensitivities are extremely common. Once it is clear that a particular food triggers a reaction, avoid that food as much as possible. If it triggers a severe reaction, avoid it altogether. Remember this is a road to healing and later, you might be able to reintroduce that food.

2 Consider eating only organically grown and raised foods, as pesticides can add to your toxin load. Eating organically can be expensive, but it can also be crucial to healing and save you money (and time spent feeling ill) down the road.

3 Chew your food well, don’t overeat, and make meal time a relaxed and enjoyable time – all so your body can more easily digest.

4 Drink adequate water Your body also requires water to detoxify. As a general rule, drink half your body weight in ounces of water throughout the day. Drink more if you sweat a lot or consume caffeine. If you can’t handle that much water at first, start where you can and work up to this. Avoid drinking water from plastic containers, as plastic is another toxin that can clog your system up.

Herbs for mold detox

If after changing your diet and water intake, you still aren’t pooping 2-3 times each day, the right herbs will can get your bowels moving more. Organic herbs are your best choice and non-addictive. (Other unnatural laxatives will cause your body to need that product in order to poop.)

Consider organic herbs such as:

•cascara sagrada bark

•aloe leaf

•rhubarb root

•barberry root

•black walnut hull (great for killing fungus also)

•senna leaf (note too much of this one can cause loose stools)

A good formula that has all of these, such as Dr. Christopher’s Lower Bowel Formula, will contain a ratio that won’t cause any problems.

Remember, this is a journey. But with some preparation and a plan, you will arrive at your destination of full recovery more quickly and without any hiccups. This is the end of this three part series.

If you want help creating your personal plan to regain your strength and energy and heal from mold illness, Click here to set up a complimentary Breakthrough call to see if we could work together.!


About Paulus Tech LLC.

I’m a certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, Master Herbalist, and I know that Mold Illness Matters because I have lived through it myself.