Molds have been around from the beginning. Before God created man since plant life was formed on the third day and man on the sixth. So it has had a long time to get really good at its job! And unlike humans, it can’t do anything else. It could however mutate or evolve to do its job more efficiently. And mold is a survivor. It fights back hard when threatened and easily changes if need be to survive.
Mold’s job is to clean up the environment of organic fibers like dead plants, bodies, etc. So when we get it in our system it just fights for its place of cleaning up our bodies from the decaying rot of not caring for ourselves in a healthful way.
Mold comes in all kinds of species and colors. Black mold may only be black because of what it’s feeding on. Stachybotrys chartarum for instance is what we usually refer to as black mold. But it is only black when using things like drywall as a food source.
By the time you see mold with the naked eye it has already metasisized into the air microscopically to go form colonies elsewhere. So you don’t have to see mold for it to be there. It gets into anything cellulose and waits for some moisture to start growing more. It takes less than 40% humidity to do that.
So blankets, pillows, mattresses, couches, books, papers, dust, carpet, drywall, and pretty much anything fibrous it can seat itself deeply into. And it can wait a long time, it is very patient. It can also get into HVAC systems, air conditioners, subfloors, basements, walls, and ceiling cavities. I think I had it in all my possessions.L So I got all new everything my last move, and so far no sign of mold:-D
So have you thought about it in you fibrous belongings? How many times have you moved to get away from mold? Did you just take it with you? I moved so many times I can’t even count them anymore, and I always took my possessions with me. Until the last time that is;-)
Who is susceptible to be sick from mold?
I once lived in a little house in the mountains that had every conceivable color mold in it. That is where I really started to go downhill. I got to where I could not get up out of bed, my husband carried me to places a lot. I was excessively weak, extremely fatigued, and could not even read because I could not remember the sentence I just read. I went on my hands and knees to the bathroom at times. I could not eat anything much without bad intestinal problems. I was hungry for air even when I had not been doing anything. If I got up, it always felt I did it too quickly and I would almost passed out. My eyes were extremely itchy, watery, blurry, and felt way too dry. I was cold all the time, except during a hot flash. I could not sleep but a few minutes at a time, and the rest of the time I could not even lay still. And if that was not enough, everything I touched shocked me!
About 25% of the world’s population has become really susceptible through being genetically shut down. But the rest of the population is also susceptible if there is enough mold present.
And in the body mold methodically shuts down your body systems both to keep itself from harm and to do it’s clean up job more effectively. Even us humans want to do what it takes to survive and do our jobs, right?
How to get rid of mold?
With mold becoming such a problem for people the construction industry has exploded with things like antifungal glues, woods, paints and more. This is a twofold complication for us. One, those chemicals they use for those may not be safe for us making us even more susceptible for invasion of mold to our bodies or making even harder to detox what we do have. The other complication is that mold can figure it out and adapt so we have to keep coming up with stronger chemicals to keep it from living in those materials.
My husband and I are still building our present home. It is made with real wood that has not been treated with anything. No harsh chemicals of any sort. Even our insulation is made from recycled material that has natural boric acid within it so it is anti-mold, anti-flame, anti-rot, and anti-pest.
Mold is also a problem when it’s dead, because like all dead things it fragments. These fragments, and the toxins attached to them, easily get into the air and we can breathe those in or ingest them. This is a major source of inflammation. So be careful how you plan to get rid of it. Strategies that just kill it are not a good way.
A good way to get rid of mold on a surface would be to scrub it with a microfiber cloth, mild soap, and elbow grease for small area. You can then vacuum the area with a good HEPA vacuum when done cleaning it. And use a good air cleaner while doing so & after. But if you are already sick don’t do this. Let someone else do it while you are away from there. Have you ever been sick from cleaning a small spot of mold up from some surface? You probably need a good remediation for your home!
Did you know there are other things that come with water damage?
Unfortunately, mold is not the only problem. It can bring friends for its clean up parties. There are other unclean things in a water-damaged building that can strengthen the stranglehold mold has on your body like bacteria, viruses, and parasites.
I know all this seems daunting. But really all you need is to beat it at its own game. You can systematically get rid of it and strengthen your body at the same time.
I proved this by changing how I was doing things. I was getting a little better once I started detoxing and strengthening my body. Then when I got out of the mold exposure, I got exponentially better.
I went from having no energy or brains to live my life and thinking I was dying, and wishing I would. Now I play with my grandkids, go hiking up steep mountain trails, and run my own business as well. All things are possible with God. After all, he didn’t make the mold to harm us, just to keep his creation cleaner after we messed it up.
If you have been dealing with mold exposure symptoms, or think you may have, and want to get your strength and energy back to live the life you lead, Click here to set up a complimentary Breakthrough call to see if we could work together.