How to detox mold and mycotoxins from liver and kidneys

6 ways to help your liver and kidneys to clean the mold mycotoxins out of the system so you can enjoy your favorite things

By Tina Paulus FDNP

In this article I am going to continue up through the drainage system in an effort to help you understand what is needed to get rid of the mold mycotoxins from your body so you can heal. These things can generally be done easily, if done in the right order.

Our first stop, in a previous article, was the colon. If it is not open and working well, then things like your lymphatic system won’t be able to drain right either. It will then be up to the skin, kidneys, and lungs to take up the slack, which can bring rashes, respiratory disease, and possible damage to the kidneys and liver as they can’t do their work properly.

So once you have your colon working well, you must then set you sights on making sure your liver and gallbladder are able to do their jobs. These organs work hard for you. And bile from them also has a laxative effect and is protective for the gut, where it is excreted to, by stimulating the immune system in the gut.

Our liver is our main detoxification organ. It plays the main role in cleaning out the blood which is where most of the body deposits their toxins to be removed. It must be kept in good working order and given the nutrients it needs to do that.

In mold illness you also want to reduce your toxic load that these organs of elimination have to deal with. So it is good to make sure to stay away from exposure to more mold, mycotoxins, plastics, and chemicals. As well as, foods that are toxic to you and things that feed the fungus in your body like sugar (carbs). And to give things like fiber and water to help with the process. These will greatly decrease all your liver has to deal with.

Next, you need to help your liver do its job and protect it from these toxins. Some great herbs for doing that include bitters and milk thistle, preferably organic. Milk thistle protects the cells of the liver, different bitters help flush the toxins out of it. So a combination of those would be great.

Bitters would include things like dandelion root, gentian, goldenseal, and chicory. There are many preparations out there. Take them about 20 minutes before meals and eat high fiber vegetables first, when you start eating, to catch the toxins as the liver/gallbladder flush them out. You could also take the bitters about 20 minutes before bed, and a binder like a good clean zeolite, at bedtime since the liver does most of its work while you sleep.

Our creator made us fearfully and wonderfully. When I was at my worst in my mold illness, I was going pee what seemed like all the time. I was constipated so my kidneys were doing their best to take up the slack and eliminate the problem. The body has this intuitive ability to detox anything it needs to. So when the main avenue was blocked it found another way.

The problem with the body having to find another way to eliminate is that it then takes a toll on the organs that don’t normally have to work so hard. Under normal circumstances that would not be a problem. But in mold illness the mycotoxins create such havoc in the body that we can’t eradicate those toxins well, and therefore, can’t heal well because of the damage done to those organs.

The first thing of course, for the kidneys, would be to drink enough water. Water is essential in all of the detoxification pathways. Drink half your body weight in ounces of water every day. And more if you are sweating. This does not mean just drinking anything, you must drink good clean water.

Some great herbal helps, like for the liver, would be marshmallow root, parsley, collinsonia root, uva ursi, and hydrangea paniculate. They help with protection and flow. These herbs also help in other ways in mold illness, such as, helping to close up the gut. Mold illness almost always bring leaky gut into the picture. And consider taking some NAC (N-Acetylcysteine), as it helps a lot in many facets of detoxification.

So in summary, to get rid of mold and mycotoxins in your body, you must make sure to protect it from further exposure to toxins, and feed and hydrate it well. It also needs to have the detox pathways open and working.

Some great herbs to help would be the use of bitters and milk thistle for the liver/gallbladder, and kidney herbals as well. Remember to keep those elimination routes clear and working.

If you have been dealing with mold illness and want to regain your strength and energy so you can live a normal life again, Join the Mold Illness Recovery Facebook Community where we don’t feel so alone and you can get questions answered.


About Paulus Tech LLC.

I’m a certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, Master Herbalist, and I know that Mold Illness Matters because I have lived through it myself.